The documents in the database are sorted into four Document Groups:
- Primary Sources
- Biographical Material
- Explanatory Material
- Reference Works
All Document Groups and associated Document Types are checked, that is, are selected, and will be used in the search. In order to limit the search to individual Document Groups / Types you have two possibilities:
- Either you click on Clear Selections and then select individual Document Groups / Types to limit your search.
- Or you simply remove the check from the Document Groups / Types that you do not want to include in your search.
When you have made your selection, click on Submit Selections in order to paste the terms to the search form. If multiple Document Types are selected for the search, these will be linked with the operator OR.
The following Document Types are available:
Primary Sources:
- Anordnungen (Directives)
- Ausbürgerungs- und Deportationslisten (Expatriation and Deportation Lists)
- Gesetze, Verordnungen, Erlasse (Legislation, Regulations, Edicts)
- Justizakten (Judicial Files)
- Reden und Aufzeichnungen (Speeches and Records)
- Sachakten (Administration Files)
- Stimmungs- und Lageberichte (Situation and Status Reports)
(Camouflage Writings)
Biographical Material:
- Biographische Artikel (Biographical Articles)
(Inventories of Estates)
Explanatory Material:
- Abbildungen (Illustrations)
- Abkürzungsverzeichnisse (Lists of Abbreviations)
- Aufsätze (Essays)
- Benutzungshinweise (Instructions for Use)
- Bibliotheks- und Archivverzeichnisse (Library and Archive Directories)
- Übersichten, Chronologies (Overviews, Chronologies)
- Dokumente (Documents)
- Glossare (Glossaries)
- Karten, Pläne (Maps, Charts)
- Literaturverzeichnisse (Bibliographies)
- Quellenverzeichnisse, Bestandsübersichten (Lists of References, Summaries of Inventories)
- Statistiken, Konkordanzen (Statistics, Concordances)
Nachworte (Prefaces, Epilogues)
Reference Works:
- Bestandsbeschreibungen (Descriptions of Inventories)
- NS-Handbücher (Handbooks from the Period of National Socialism)
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