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Structure of the DAtabase - Overview

The database German literary Expressionism Online offers the user different option to access the content:

Each publication is presented as a digital facsimile, each issue can be leafed through.

Bibliographic descriptions are available both for individual contributions as well as for issues.

By clicking the contribution titles in the Electronic Tables of Contents provided, users can go directly to the first page of the selected contribution.

Bio-bibliographic articles about the editors and many contributors can be called up.

An introduction to the database by the editor Paul Raabe can be accessed using the link Introduction in the blue menu bar.

To enable continued use of the documents found in the database, German literary Expressionism Online offers different exporting options, including the functions Print, E-mail and Download. It is possible to retain search results in the cache and re-access them with the functions Marked Documents, Previous Searches, and SaveURL.