The following search categories are available in the Advanced Search:
Fulltext search |
Indexing of the entire text of all documents in the database (image and text documents). |
Persons / Names |
Names in the format of surname, given name, and including possible additions such as other names, occupations, titles. |
Institutions / Organisations |
Authorities, parties, associations, companies etc. |
Geographical index |
Place names, country names. |
Subjects |
Subjects headings |
General index |
Comprises the individual indices of Persons / Names, Institutions / Organisations, Subjects as well as the Geographical index. |
Document title |
Title of the documents in the database. |
Occupations / Fields of activity |
Occupations and fields of activity of persons on whom there are biographical articles in the database. |
Document ID |
For each document there is an individual alpha-numerical code (this is displayed in the source citation of a document). |
Publication titles |
Titles of the original editions, biographical and general reference works available in the database. |
Document Group / Document Type |
Classification of the documents into four groups: Primary Sources, Biographical Material, Explanatory Material, Reference Works and the Document Types allocated to these groups. |
Date |
Search for documents with a specific date, documents containing dates before or after the entered date or within a period. |
In most search categories, search terms can be selected from available Index lists and combined with each other as required.
Fulltext Search / Fuzzy Search
Index Publication Title:
specific search terms for a publication search
Index Document Group / Document