of Contents
bibliographic details for a contribution are displayed when you click the link Full Citation
(Contribution) found in
the results list, the display of a contribution or the electronic table of contents
for the respective issue/publication.
bibliographic description can contain the following information:
Contributor |
Names of authors, visual artists, translators |
Contribution Title |
Title of the contribution |
In | Citable information about the publication in which the contribution appeared; for journals this includes information on volume number, issue number and publication date. |
Location |
Information about page or column number |
Genre | Genre term for this contribution (Essay, Poem, Photography etc) |
Subject | Subject term(s) classifying the contribution |
Classification Code | Numerical classification from the decimal classification |
Contribution ID | Unique identifier for each contribution |
Related Document(s) |
Short bibliographic information on further contributions which are related to the one shown, eg the continuation of an essay or a reply by another author on the displayed article. |
URL | Persistent URL which can be used to directly access this contribution and for citing. |
short entry from the search results is displayed above a bibliographic
description. It allows you to call up the first page of the digitized
contribution by clicking the linked contribution title. It is also possible to access the table of contents
of the selected issue / publication by clicking the link Electronic
Table of Contents.
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use can be made of bibliographic descriptions with the E-mail and Print
functions. The Download function cannot be used for bibliographic
descriptions. For details please see the chapter Managing